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Henan Recycle Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd.

Quality 태양광 패널 재활용 라인, 리튬 이온 배터리 재활용 기계 supplier from China.


Henan Recycle Environmental Protection Equipment a China's leading professional manufacturing enterprise which gather developmentdesian, producion. sales. installation and after-sales service in one Wwe have more than 15 vears of expenence in manufacluring the folowing items Refrigerator Recycling Line, Solar Panel Recycling Line, Lithium Ion Battery Recycling Machine, PCB Recycling Machine,Aluminum Plastic Separating Machine, UBC Paint Decoating Machine,AC Radiator Recycling Plant,ACSR Recycling Machine,Baler Machine,Cable Wire Recycling Plant and Motor Recycling Machine.

As one of the largest E-waste and Other Solid Waste Metal Recycling Machine manufacturer,. our factory can provide the whole soluions. Perectafter-sales seryice is provided and CE certification is provided for all products

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Company Details

Office Address: Henan Communication Industrial Park, Economic Development Zone, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province
Factory Address: No. 1123, Science Avenue, Shangjie District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province