Focus on security and energy-saving, Carry brightness and Sustainable future.

About Us
KHJ’s management concept is “people oriented”, and it emphasizes “more pay for more work”. KHJ has perfect salary system which stands in a leading level in the industry. It pays attention to everyone’s fruit of labour and gives the equivalent salary. It concerns everyone’s career with thorough incentive mechanism and promotion mechanism. KHJ’s management concept is “people oriented”, and it emphasizes “more pay for more work”. KHJ has perfect salary system which stands in a leading level in the industry. It pays attention to everyone’s fruit of labour and gives the equivalent salary. It concerns everyone’s career with thorough incentive mechanism and promotion mechanism.
KHJ's Culture
As heaven maintains vigor through movements,
a gentle man should constantly strive for self-perfection.
As earth's condition is receptive devotion,
a gentle man should hold the outer world with broad mind.
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