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Beijing Silk Road Enterprise Management Services Co.,LTD

Quality 연료 레일 공급, 큰 체리 장안을 위해 supplier from China.


Our company has a core team with more than ten years of packaging design and manufacturing experience, providing Polyester Fabric.Our main products are Polyester Knit Fabric ,Polyester Spandex Fabric,Polyester Satin Fabric and so on.

We have a clean and tidy, wide workshop and a production and development team with rich experience in the packaging industry, providing strong support for your r&d and production needs

The street was narrow and the carriage was wide, and Sivrak dodged to avoid being hit by it, but was splashed with mud and rain. The others saw him, and were sorry for him, and swore angrily, and wanted to stop the carriage and reason. But Sivrak murmured, "Stop Shouting, stop Shouting, let them go." When the carriage had gone far away, he was still standing by the side of the road, wondering: Why could not the carriage be made of such a narrow road and so many people walk by? The carriage should be cut in half down the side, so that the four wheels become two front and back... So he went home and started designing. After trial and error, in 1791 the first horse wheel was built. The earliest bicycle was made of wood and was simple in construction. It had no steering or driving mechanism, and the rider pedaled hard with his feet and had to get off to move the bike when he changed direction. Even so, when Sivlak took the bike for a ride in the park.

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Company Details

Office Address: 19 Xinjian Gongmen Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China
Factory Address: Exit 58, G6 Beijing-Tibet Expressway, Yanqing District, Beijing