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Hafe International Limited

Quality 팽창식 LED 빛, 풍선 조명 장식 supplier from China.


HAFE International Limited (HAFE) is a specialized manufacturer and global exporter for Special Lighting, Inflatables and Electricals, Equipment & Tools involved.


Wuxi Fenigal Science and Technology Co. Ltd. is the holding company of HAFE International Limited.



- to be a successful innovative manufacturer and supplier for special lighting and inflatables with beneficial hardwares used for both event sector and selected industries in global market.


- to provide quality special lighting, inflatables and relavanet electrical products, equipment & tools to our clients and fulfill definite market demands we serve for.


Established in early 2008, HAFE started from a B2B business entity, which integrated manufacturing resources in a list of industrial sectors included but not limited to like lighting, electricals, machinery, logisitic equipment, water etc. Among them, lighting and electrical business were typical of what we were mostly focused in, through not only OEM manufacturing, but also partially and gradually production shift in our own facilities or under our supervision.



From 2010, a new business - inflatables - attracted our attention, especially those types used in various Event industries. The result of our inflatable business together with some innovative ideas sparked from latest lighting technologies and arising demands in revelant market was the generation of our totally new, unique and special inflatable event lighting and industrial lighting business.


In year 2013, HAFE incorporated its current name as the key division of the company businesses.


Today, HAFE - businesses include 4 primary categories - Special Lighting, Inflatables, Electricals and Equipment & Tools. And inflatable lighting balloons are special product lineup that makes us different from our counterpart.

Market Segment

Below are primary market sector our product serve for:


- Event - Film & TV - Architecture - Construction - Industries - Safety & Rescue - Outdoor activity

Global Market

Below map shows where our products are being used:

Our Global Market Coverage


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Company Details

Office Address: Registration: 15/B - 15/F Cheuk Nang Plaza250 Hennessy Road,Hong Kong
Factory Address: Head Office: Rm 606#, Block B, Chuangyi Chanye Park, Dicui Rd. 100, Binhu, Wuxi, Jiangsu, P. R. China